Novadem, co-founder of EDEN PACA cluster with four other regional companies

Novadem 2.0

Novadem continues to grow and moves into new location in Aix-en-Provence. This new structure dedicated to manufacturing, engineering and commerce, allows the company to ensure its growth. Situated at Europôle – Petit Arbois, Novadem is more than ever willing to...
Eurosatory exhibition 2012

Eurosatory exhibition 2012

Novadem presented its product range at Eurosatory international exhibition dedicated to Land security and Defense. This exhibition, which was held from June 11 to 15 at Paris Nord Villepinte is the largest International Defence Exhibition. Learn more...
Novadem, co-founder of EDEN PACA cluster with four other regional companies

Créa 13 Award

Novadem is awarded with the General Council of Bouche du Rhône créa13 prize. Créa13 trophies reward young companies which are innovative and job-creative in the department. Thirteen SMEs aged under six years have been honored for this twentieth edition.
Inspection of Millau viaduct

Inspection of Millau viaduct

The highest viaduct in the world is being inspected by a U130 drone of Novadem. The company DIADES exploits a U130 drone of Novadem on the occasion of the inspection of Millau viaduct. This world first serves as a model in terms of inspection of viaducts of great...